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IT’S OVER: Rubio Ends Campaign For Republican Nomination

rubRepublican Marco Rubio is ending his campaign for the Republican nomination for president after a humiliating loss in his home state of Florida.

Rubio told a crowd in Miami Tuesday that he knows that voters are angry and that there is a hunger for new faces and voices in government.

Rubio’s decision was prompted by losses in all but three of the presidential nomination contests but Florida’s winner-take-all primary proved the most devastating. Only six years earlier, he was a tea party favorite who crushed the GOP’s “establishment” candidate to win a seat in the U.S. Senate.

But the political tables turned on the Florida senator as a 2016 presidential candidate who was lambasted as mainstream in a year when voters cried out for an outsider.


4 Responses

  1. He didn’t end his campaign. He “suspended” it. Very smart political move. It gives him power over where his delegates go, and allows him to rejoin the race if he chooses to.

  2. #1:
    “Suspending” a campaign is political euphemism for ending it. Jeb Bush also “suspended” his campaign, and it’s quite clear he’s not getting back in.

    Same for Rubio. It’s a shame, because he might have been a good president, but it’s more of a shame that he didn’t do it earlier.

    His chance at the nomination would have been close to nil even if he’d won Florida, and his political career would have been in much better shape if he’d dropped out and thrown his support behind Cruz, possibly striking a deal with him for VP.

  3. It’s about time. He should have dropped out after Super Tuesday and if not then, when he saw that he was way behind in Florida. He could not even win his home State. What a loser!

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