Philanthropist Dr. Rich Roberts Turns Down Billionaire Group Request to help fund Anti Trump Ads; ‘Smears are Disingenuous’

The following is via TLSrr:

Philanthropist Dr. Rich Roberts turned down requests by billionaires and political operatives to help fund a campaign to stop Republican Presidential front-runner Donald Trump, TLS has learned. Earlier this month, Roberts, a powerful political figure, was invited by a politically active billionaire to attend a supposedly highly confidential conference call to stop Trump.

The call was hosted by some political operatives, and some billionaires, who wanted to raise many millions of dollars to run attack ads against Trump to stop him this Tuesday – especially in Florida.

They stated that this is the critical last chance to stop Trump and they prevailed upon everyone on the call to each donate millions of dollars on what one caller described as a “moral imperative”.

“I attended the call with an open mind to hear information that I might not have been privy to which would sway me,” Roberts told TLS. “I was dismayed to hear that the themes of their intended ads were charges against Trump that he had already effectively publicly refuted.”

Continues Roberts, “After that call, I sent an email to one of the billionaires telling him that I was surprised by the “disingenuous” discussion that I had heard. He forwarded my email to another billionaire who sent me an angry, biting reply. However, the reply that I received was also irrational and factually faulty and seemed to take offense to my use of the word “disingenuous”. (Maybe I am the only guy who will tell billionaires that they are wrong.) I sent a reply demonstrating the irrationality of the email that I had received and that seemed to end the discussion among billionaires.”

For example, says Roberts, “on the call one of the themes that they were planning to hit Trump with is that he is not really a successful businessman but he declared bankruptcy many times. In my email about the call, I cited this as being “disingenuous” because Trump had already stated that out of 150 of his companies four had declared bankruptcy.”

“It is clear that there is an anti-Trump smear-campaign that is being waged broadly across the media that has grown to a fevered pitch in an attempt to hit Trump with a tidal wave just before the critical votes on Tuesday especially in Florida,” says Roberts. “Pundits and reporters are stating suppositions and predictions as facts in a frenzied attempt to destroy Trump before Tuesday. These attacks are also disingenuous. Leftists attempted to disrupt Trump’s rallies, denying him his right to free speech, but the press, pundits, and primary opponents turn these cases into smears claiming that Trump is responsible for the fights that have broken out. Pundits keep claiming that Trump is destroying the Republican party but it is they who are destroying the Republican party by trying to deny the groundswell of grassroots voters their overwhelming choice. The other examples are well known to everyone.”

Whether the chorus of attacks on Trump are just a haphazard coinciding of forces from the Left, Republican establishment, and pundits who promote their self-importance by taking positions of extreme projections and hyperbole, or if there is a more sinister coordination by a core of self-interested Republican billionaires and establishment politicians, “I do not know,” Roberts said. “But I am very sure that the tsunami of smears against Trump, at this moment, are disingenuous.”

9 Responses

  1. Dr. Roberts my be successful but he is incredibly naive. Mr. Trump IS destroying the Republican Party. He has defrauded thousands of people from their life savings and has ruined hundreds of small businesses with his bankruptcies. Dr. Richards is ,himself,disingenuous when quoting that “only four” of his 150 companies have gone bankrupt. Dr. Richards knows quite well thst it is not he NUMBER of business that count-one may incorporate thousands of businesses-but the size. Trumps bankruptcies were in the BILLIONS. Dr. Richards’ defense of Trump is another sign that the Unites States is fallng prey to a huckster, and a very dangerous huckster to boot.

  2. Donald Trump is a phenomenal candidate. And just because the media (and Little Marco) decided to pick on him for no good reason, that doesn’t mean that there are no normal people out there like Rich Roberts who see the light…

  3. At the end of the day this is more likely to help rather than hinder Trump. Negative publicity tends to do this time

  4. Trump is going to be the Republican candidate. We’d all better pull up a chair and get comfortable with it, and then help him beat whichever Socialist gets the Democratic nomination.

  5. I do not personally know this “powerful political figure” and philanthropist Dr. Rich Roberts.

    Although, I have read over the years about his largess giving to Charedi causes, and most notably BMG.

    What his rationale is for giving to Charedi causes is not the focus of my comments.

    I am a bit concerned about a few things, and I want to understand his intention for ‘going public.’

    1. According to the article Roberts was invited to a “supposedly highly confidential conference call to stop Trump.”

    What does “supposedly” mean?

    Is this his Gemmorah Kup Darshen to allow him to break confidentiality to disclose that the call even took place, much less discuss the nature of the call?

    2. Is this part of his own self-aggrandizement to enlarge his name? It’s interesting to note that Governor Chris Christie is stumping for Trump (and should Trump be elected president, the payoff is for Christie, and by extension Roberts).

    3. Roberts is proud of himself that he Upshlugs the billionaires, as he is only a lonely multimillionaire (about $260 million in proceeds from the sale of URL Pharma).

    4. What exactly was “disingenuous” about the discussion? I don’t know and neither does the readership know, because no details were provided by Roberts. Maybe they took offense because Roberts jumped in over his head. Or maybe, just maybe, Roberts was the disingenuous one for participating in the call to begin with, as he already made up his mind to support Trump 100%.

    According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, disingenuous means “giving the false appearance of being honest or sincere.” Yet, as to the reason for the conference call, the intent was very clear and above board: Stop Trump.

    It appears to me that Roberts is posturing himself for political activism and is using TLS as a starting point to test the waters. Interesting to note, is that his rant was republished on YWN, which has a larger worldwide readership than TLS.

    So, I’d like to know how frequently Roberts is in touch with Governor Christie and/or his team. As this will be the best indicator of his intentions, and as always, follow the money.

  6. Dear Moshe in Israel,
    You are in Israel. Good. Stay in Israel. And please let me know what you are smoking.

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