Help An Agunah Feed Her Children



You can save a family of seven little children! Their poor mother is on her own, after her abusive husband ran away without giving her a divorce. She has no means to support her large family. This mother is frightened, thinking about her staggering balances at the children’s yeshivas, the grocery, and more! How will they have food for Yom Tov? Can we just go on with our life, knowing there are children who don’t have money for basics?

I beg you; please don’t just read on, telling yourself you can’t donate enough to really help; because you CAN make a difference! Every dollar helps!

This campaign is endorsed by Rabbi Chaim Kugelman, from BP and is collecting funds alongside the Rav’s tzedakah organization, Chevra Tzoin Kedoshim

Please click to donate:

Please share this campaign, and gain the zechusim of all the funds generated because of you!

Tizku L’mitzvos


For any questions, or to hear more about this campaign,

Please call (347) 598-1029

To Donate by Mail:

Help an Agunah

c/o Esther Tillim

792 Vine Street

Lakewood NJ 08701

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