Should Former President Katsav be Released Early for Good Behavior?

katsavAmid reports he will be released early from prison, the Knesset Channel conducted a survey to determine how Israelis feel about former President Moshe Katsav having one-third of his sentence reduced.

YWN-ISRAEL reported that Katsav, who served five years of his seven-year sentence, may be released in coming weeks because the Israel Prison Authority generally deducts a third from one’s sentence for good behavior. There is considerable opposition to his early release as many feel a president who was convicted of assaulting women should serve his entire sentence.

The Knesset Channel’s survey reveals 66% of Israeli do not wish to see Katsav released before completing his term while 20% favor the move.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Yes. He should be released. If only for the dignity of the Presidential position. Israel is almost alone in convicting ppl who have been in high office. That’s not to say that such ppl can take advantage and abuse their power, but reducing them to common criminals makes the government appear vindictive and fickle at the same time.

  2. To BASESTHER: The USA also arrests and imprisons felonious leaders, as long as they’re Jewish. Any other minority gets a free pass, like Hillary Clinton, Obama, and so forth.

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