Monday Early AM Vehicular Attack at an Entrance to Kiryat Arba [UPDATED 7:05AM IL]

16:51AM IL: A terrorist tried to run people over a short time ago at Elias Junction, a hitchhiking post at an entrance to Kiryat Arba.

According to preliminary reports from Zaka, there are two terrorists, one armed with a pistol and the second with an automatic weapon.

More to follow.

06:58: Gunfire was directed at the approaching vehicle. Both terrorists have been neutralized B”H. One person sustained very light injuries, apparently from a ricochet.

7:05AM IL: The attack occurred at the hitchhiking post located at the main entrance to Kiryat Arba as seen in the photo above.

That location is generally quite busy at this hour as many residents of Kiryat Araba and S. Hebron Hills communities are waiting for rides and buses to work and school.

B’chasdei Hashem the soldiers’ response was immediate and efficient, neutralizing the terrorists who were armed with a pistol and automatic weapon. One IDF soldier was injured in a hand and is described in light condition.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/ Photo: Menachem Freeman)

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