Litzman: Moetzas Gedolei Yisroel Forbids Sitting in a Coalition that Recognizes the Reform

litzbenSpeaking with Kol Chai Radio on Sunday morning 3 Adar-II, Health Minister Yaakov Minister explained the matter of the government decision to permit an egalitarian prayer area near the Kosel must be addressed by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

“He must decide that he loves the Reform in the Diaspora or the chareidim in Israel” stated Litzman, who added “He must decide for he cannot have both in Israel”. The minister clarified, stating if the coalition officially recognizes Reform Jewry his party will leave the coalition for it cannot be a part of such a government.

Litzman insists that all the chareidim are asking for is maintain the religious status quo, and this demand was agreed to in coalition agreements. Regarding the Supreme Court decision to compel the Beersheva Religious Council to permit a Reform convert toivel in a public mikve, he blames the High Court for constantly working to destroy Yiddishkheit, adding the bill being advanced by Moshe Gafne addresses the court’s decision.

Litzman insists that the bill, which is backed by Bayit Yehudi too, is nothing more than an effort to maintain the religious status quo and nothing more.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Unless they are willing to join the Eidis Hareidis in opposing the medinah, the pro-zionist hareidim are stuck. Most Jews are not orthodox, and the non-orthodox are the ones with money and clout. Telling the zionist they can either be allied with the hareidim or the apikoresim is very unwise since the zionists, being apikorisim themselves, will ally with the Reform.

  2. As discussed in Mishpacha and weekly Hamodia, the solution is in the hands of American Torah Orthodox Kehillos.

    Reform is running the publicity since we have (as usual) ignored the handwriting on the walls and have remained silent, immobile and uninviting to Israeli MKs, leaders, shakers and bakers.

    IOWs the Israeli government and people believe that Reform Jewry is representative of American Jewry since they have been the only vocal voice, public noted figures, and media moguls that are heard & interviewed. The government (& people) do not know of the 10,000 American orthodox talmidim learning in Yeshivos, Seminaries, Universities, on kibbutzim and students participating in NCSY, YI tours, & those who join camping and touring summer groups. They have no idea if the olim from Nefesh Benefesh are Reform or otherwise. They never heard of the Yarchei Kallah, learning programs, visits made annually by Torah Jews who spend monies, visit their children and have apartments in Eretz Yisroel and you know why????


    Reform Jews are destroying all the gains in Eretz Yisroel since its establishment, let’s break the silence and unmask the traitors as they are: Phonies, Intermarried, supporters of BDS, New Israel Fund, PA and haters of Israel. There is zero future in Reform while Orthodoxy is alive, thriving, increasing and passively quiet, as usual.

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