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PM Netanyahu Demands World Powers Punish Iran for Missile Tests

irmisPrime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on motzei Shabbos instructed the Foreign Ministry to contact the P5+1 countries and demand that immediate punitive measures be taken in the wake of Iran’s repeated and gross violations on the missiles issue.

Mr. Netanyahu stated “This is an important step in and of itself and is also a test of the major powers in enforcing the nuclear agreement”.

In the United Nations, Israeli Ambassador Danny Danon on Shabbos sent an urgent letter to the Security Council seeking a council condemnation of last week’s missile testing, which he pointed out is a violation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Agreement.

YWN reported Iran tested two ballistic missiles last week with the phrase “Israel must be wiped out” written in Hebrew on them.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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