Donald Trump Blames Bernie Sanders Supporters For Causing Problems At His Rallies

bsaDonald Trump said on Saturday that his supporters “caused no problem” at his rally in Chicago on Friday night that was canceled because of security concerns, instead saying supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders are to blame.

“My people are nice,” Trump said at a Saturday morning rally in Dayton, Ohio. “Thousands and thousands of people, they caused no problem. They were taunted, they were harassed by these other people. These other people, by the way, some represent Bernie, our communist. … He should really get up and say to his people: Stop. Stop.”

Trump called the protesters “organized, professionally staged wise guys” who launched “a planned attack.” Trump said Sanders should call for an end to the protests that have erupted at Trump’s rallies in recent weeks, not him.

“My people are nice, folks,” Trump said to cheers in Ohio. “My people are great.”

Trump brought up the canceled rally within minutes of taking the stage in an airplane hangar. He said that the protests in Chicago were professionally organized by groups like He explained the huge number of protesters in Chicago, as compared to his supporters, by saying that he had warned his people to not go. Trump described the canceled rally as limiting the free speech rights of him and his supporters, even though his campaign was the one to decide to cancel the rally, in consultation with the Secret Service and private security.

“Bad groups — these are bad people,” Trump said, as the crowd booed the liberal organizers. “These are people that truly don’t want to see our country be great again. I’m telling you, I’m telling you. And we want to get along with everybody, and we can get along with people. We’re going to unify the country. Our president has divided this country so badly.”

Trump later elaborated: “We have a divided country. We have black and white and every other thing, income groups. Everybody hates everybody, even in Congress. … The politicians hate each other. The Democrats hate the Republicans. The liberals hate the conservatives. We have got to change.”

Trump then cut off mid-thought because he was interrupted by a group of protesters. As he waited for the commotion to die down, the crowd shouted: “Trump! Trump! Trump!”

(c) 2016, The Washington Post · Jose A. DelReal, Jenna Johnson

5 Responses

  1. The movement Sanders represents were also responsbile for the left-wing riots in 1968, which turned the country against the Democrats and led to Nixon getting elected.

    Interestingly enough, Nixon was the last non-conservative Republican (for big government, not fanatic about fiscal resonsibility, willing to work with dictators, etc.) to be elected . Perhaps it takes a far-left Democrat to make it possible for a non-conservative Republican to win.

  2. So this will be another “BLAME-IT-ON-THE-OTHER-GUY president! Enough of that! Why doesn’t he say it’s Bush’s fault? Oh, I forgot! he might get sued by Obama for plagiarism!

  3. The riots undermined Humphrey’s candidacy, and to a certain extent, McGovern’s as well, even though neither had anything to do with it. Being the candidate of the rioters is toxic.

  4. Bernie Sander’s supporters were among the protesters who got violent. The news is totally under reporting it. Go to the blogs and read accounts, or go to Sander’s forums. His followers are gloating about what they did. Did Sander’s tweet to them he condemns their actions? No. He did not. Not condemning is basically confirmation that what they did was ok by him.

  5. Incite violence against your political opponents, and then blame the opponents for the violence.

    Mussolini would be proud!

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