Report: Former PM Olmert Using His Prison Time to Put on Tefilin and Attend Gemara Shiurim

olmFormer Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is serving his prison sentence in Bloc 10 of Massiyahu Prison. According to a Walla News report, the former PM is putting on tefilin and attending a daily Gemara shiur given by Holyland real estate defendant Meir Rabin.

The report quotes someone close to Olmert, who states Olmert attends minyan for mincha and maariv, and learns Torah and Halacha with Rabin.

Olmert is willing to respond when called to assist making a minyan out of a feeling of solidarity with other prisoners in the bloc. The source adds that they are having difficulty maintaining a regular shachris minyan because “each of the prisoners has his own morning schedule during the week but for now, the former PM is at mincha, maariv, learning Torah and making an effort to put on tefilin” the source is quoted saying.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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