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Israel: Netsource Closing its Doors – 100s of Chareidi Women Will Lose Their Jobs

closedWhile representatives of the Histadrut labor federation and Hillel Yaakobson have met in the hope of reaching agreement, it is now being reported the company is closing down. This will result in hundreds of chareidi women in Israel losing their parnasa.

The decision to close has compelled Histadrut officials to brainstorm but at the time of this report, no solution is being announced that will keep the business operating.

Last month, the labor federation filed a NIS 100,000,000 (NIS one hundred million) against the company alleging it was in gross violation of many labor laws and the company is opposing efforts to unionize. On the other hand, company owners are praising Yaakobson, explaining this is not an issue of violations but claim the company was opened as a social venture and it was never profitable and the time has come to close its doors.

They explain the actions of the labor federation and allegation made against the company have indeed compelled the decision to shut down.

Persons close to Yaakobson explain the decision is final and it will not be reversed. Company officials report of the 300 remaining employees, firing proceedings have begun against several dozen of them.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. “This will result in hundreds of chareidi women in Israel losing their parnasa.”

    Chas v’shalom! They are not going to lose their parnasa, just a job. May they all have a speedy yeshua.

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