Jeb Bush to Meet With GOP Candidates – Except Trump

jebAn aide with Jeb Bush’s failed bid for the Republican nomination says the former Florida governor is meeting privately with all of the remaining GOP candidates, except front-runner Donald Trump.

The aide, who spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak with the media, says Bush plans to meet with Florida Sen. Marco Rubio on Wednesday, and has scheduled meetings with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich on Thursday.

Bush and Trump engaged in heated confrontations throughout Bush’s campaign, the two repeatedly referring to each other as “loser.”

A number of GOP elites have spoken out against Trump’s unorthodox candidacy, saying he does not offer a suitable representation of the party.


One Response

  1. I don’t understand how such losing figures like Jeb Bush (lost any potential for momentum in the race) and Mitt Romney who lost the presidential election turn a meeting with them as a privilege. Think of sports, if I were in a shul baseball league, would I want a losing MLB team like the Miami Marlins or Cleveland Indians to meet with us to give us pointers?

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