TONIGHT: Major Community Event Taking Place In Far Rockaway / 5 Towns, Queens

1On Wednesday, March 9th, 2016 the White Shul in Far Rockaway, NY will be hosting the entire Far Rockaway, Five Towns, and Queens’ community for an evening of inspiration and chizzuk. This major event, entitled Tips and Tools for Turbulent Times, is an opportunity to gain insights and inspiration as we face personal obstacles, family challenges, community tragedies, and devastating world events.

Twelve local social service agencies have joined together to provide this once in a lifetime opportunity to the community at large. The organizations sponsoring this event include Achiezer, Amudim, Bikur Cholim, Chai Lifeline, Hatzalah, Madraigos, Magen, MASK, New Horizon, OHEL, Project Extreme, TOVA, and has been made possible by Chazaq, Gourmet Glatt, the While Shul, and Councilman Bruce A. Blakeman.

When planning this event and deciding which challenges are currently facing our community, each organization brought a different issue to the forefront. As the topics of abuse, molestation, addictions, divorce, bullying, technology and off the derech children were discussed, we understood that to only address one topic would not be doing justice to the broader challenges the Jewish people are currently facing. Therefore, we are partnering together to bring to this community one major event which will address and discuss every challenge we are currently facing. Unfortunately there are no longer any families that have not been touched by tragedy in one form or another. Every person can benefit from this night of chizzuk, inspiration, insight and take home tools for facing the world at large.

The event will feature two highly acclaimed speakers. Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro, who will be flying in from Florida to address our community and Yitzi Horowitz, a clinical social worker and psychotherapist who works closely with families and schools in our community. Rabbi Shapiro is a noted lecturer and author and will provide tremendous insight and chizzuk into the increasingly challenging times we are facing both on a communal and personal level. Yitzi Horowitz will be speaking to us as parents, educators and mental health professionals. He will be providing further tools on how to face these troubling times and insights on how to help our children.

As a member of our community you, your family members and your friends have benefitted countless times from the amazing organizations sponsoring this event. We therefore are looking forward to your support in attending this event which is being provided completely free of charge. We look forward to your presence and know that each and every single person who attends will be further strengthening and unifying our community as we face a very troubling and scary world.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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