Rabbonim In Eretz Yisroel Speak Out Against Higher Education for Chareidi Women

mhhThe battle against higher education is once again on the agenda of rabbonim shlita.

Prominent roshei yeshiva including HaGaon Rav David Cohen Shlita (Chevron), HaGaon Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch Shlita (Slobodka), HaGaon Rav Yigal Rosen Shlita (Ohr Yisrael), HaGaon HaRav Aviezer Piltz Shlita (Tifrach), and HaGaon HaRav Nosson Zuchovsky Shlita signed a letter expressing adamant opposition to chareidi women entering higher education. The rabbonim explain that in line with guidelines set forth by gedolei yisrael, there is an “Infiltration of unacceptable content and venues” in these programs.

The rabbonim add there are institutions that view themselves as being chareidi when in fact this is not so, even some which call themselves Beis Yaakov, but in fact they do not live up to these standards and they programs are therefore unacceptable.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. I’m assuming the standards are the same for men and women, and therefore the Gedolei Yisroel are opposed to higher education for men as well.

  2. So, according to this article, issue is not with higher education per se, but with unacceptable content in the current higher education offerings. If so, may I suggest that you alter your headline?

  3. We must follow daas Torah, we have seen the goal of the Zionists and IDF is to make Yidden go off the derech like by making them shave, the Zionists have declared shmad and we cannot cooperate with them.

  4. I don’t know why Yeshiva World persists with such false headlines that almost are a motzei shem ra on certain gedolim.

    This is not an issue of women going into higher education. Chareidi women have been regularly getting very good post-high school educations with Rabbinical approval since forever. This is an issue of whether the Knesset should have a say in the Bais Yaakov curriculum.

  5. #1: Um, no, that is a feminist line, which is utterly against the Torah.

    Understand that according to the Torah men and women are EQUAL BUT DIFFERENT, with different obligations and different responsibilities. Just like a Yisroel doesn’t have the same responsibilities and obligations as a Levi or Kohain, so do women and men.

    Get over it.

  6. Definitely. Keep the women in the middle ages, uneducated and unable to do anything. You want the men to sit and learn. How can a woman support her husband without education.

  7. Baruch Hashem, finally someone is stepping up to put an end to this terrible situation. I wish we could go back to the good old days where women could stay at home and be the em habonim, instead of going out to work and support her husband.

  8. she can sell online. you dont need an education to sell goods online, a woman does not need a higher education to support her husband. neither does a man need a higher education go look in willimasburg and lakewood where there are prospering businesses with no education. a goyishe education has zero value. its just to end up with a piece of paper that you can show an employer look i have this document so hire me. a goyishe kup thinks that the document means the guy will perform well on a job but any yehsiva guy whos been dildigent in his studies can perform just as well just he doesn’t have the holy paper to prove it,

  9. Shazam- there is no difference between men and women when it comes to pritzus or apikorsus. If it’s inappropriate for women, it’s inappropriate for men. I’m not saying they have equal roles, but in this regard, why should there be a difference? Frum men are allowed to listen to apikorsus but frum women aren’t?

  10. “entering higher education”???
    Does this mean learning tanach with meforshim? computer science?
    presuming it means secular subjects: when a women excels in computer knowledge and earns thrice what a beis yaakov teacher makes, she really helps her husband learn Torah for years without worry – so what is wrong with that?
    This entire maamar needs a lot of explanations – please add RASHI AND TOSAFOS AND RASHBA SO it can be understood!

  11. “unacceptable content and venues” – ???????
    this needs a thorough peirush:

  12. lbj, what exactly do you mean that a college degree has 0 value? Doctors, lawyers, social workers, OT, PT, speech therapists, accountant, certified teachers, and the list goes on and on…. True, to work in a pizza shop or Judaica store one doesn’t need a college degree, but what about the other hundreds of careers? The Non-Jews think the opposite of you, and ask what is the purpose of learning in yeshiva. Let’s set that Kiddush Hashem and show that one can daven, learn, AND hold a degree/certification.

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