Pisgat Ze’ev’s Chareidi Tzibur Trying to Reach Agreement with Treif Restaurant

nkoThe chareidi community of Pisgat Ze’ev has been less than pleased with the recent opening of the Kashtan Deli, a treif store in the northern Jerusalem community. As such, the residents have decided to do whatever they can to get it to close, even if that means paying the owner to pack up and leave.

The chareidi community approached the owner, offering NIS 1,000 monthly to change the place to a kosher store. They also offered NIS 80,000 to close down the store. The last offer was rejected, prompting the offer of NIS 1,000 monthly to make the store kosher.

They also spoke of dividing the store with a separate entrance, with one side offering kosher products. The last offer however does not appear to enjoy the backing of the entire tzibur for they feel it is too confusing and may lead to some shoppers buying a product with the belief it is kosher when it is not.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Why not just ignore the place and let market forces take their course?
    If there is no market for treif in the community, the store will close of its own volition.
    Raising a balagan just encourages people who buy treif to come and patronize the store.

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