PM Netanyahu Cancels Planned Meeting with Chief Rabbis of Israel

icrThe meeting scheduled for Monday, 27 Adar-I between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and the Chief Rabbis of Israel; Rabbi Dovid Lau Shlita and Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef Shlita has been canceled. The reason for the cancelation has not been publicized. The Chief Rabbis planned to present Mr. Netanyahu with their alternative plan regarding the egalitarian prayer area by the Kosel, which they oppose.

The meeting was to include chareidi ministers and Members of Knesset in the hope of reaching an understanding that will permit changing the cabinet decision which allocated a Reform area for prayers without a mechitzah and permitting women to wear tallis and tefilin.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Unfortunately Mashiach isn’t here. i don’t know that much of anything what i think i may know is HaShem what’s peace i don’t always understand i also know that for example HaShem says that Pinhas should be rewarded because He “zealousy avenged HaShem vengeance among Them” why are We fighting? wether it’s a statement They are trying to make or They genuinely want a Place that somehow connects them to HaShem. BE”H what’s the right way? me being simple minded would think They should be embraced, encouraged to do it correctly BE”H

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