Gafne: Clearly, We Erred – Everyone is Aware of This Today

gafneSpeaking to Kol Chai Radio on Wednesday evening 22 Adar-I, MK Moshe Gafne was addressing efforts to change the cabinet decision pertaining to the allocation of an egalitarian prayer area near the Kosel.

Immediately following the decision Gafne explained it was not de facto government recognition of the Reform Movement, insisting the decision by chareidi parties to remain silent was the best of the available evils. He explained that if the chareidim defeated it, the Reform Movement would have taken the case to the Supreme Court and there, the outcome would have been worse.

However, seeing how things have been developing and the recent appreciable gains enjoyed by the Reform Movement, Gafne admits that it was a mistake to permit the decision to pass as it did and he and his elected chareidi colleagues are working to create a new reality vis-à-vis the egalitarian prayer area.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. אמר רב חייא בר אבא, אמר רב סימאי: שלשה היו באותה עצה אלו הן: בלעם, איוב, ויתרו. בלעם שיעץ נהרג, איוב ששתק נידון ביסורין, ויתרו שברח זכו בני בניו לישב בלשכת הגזית

    “איוב ששתק נידון ביסורין”

  2. gavriel613. I think your comment, whilst a nice soundbite is way off the mark. The article quite clearly says why the Chareidi MKs acted why they did and is hardly a case of “shosak”. It may have been mistaken and to their credit have admitted so. Give them some praise for their efforts on our behalf in difficult situations.

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