Oldest Usable Torah Scroll Found in Italy

stThe following is via OnlySimchas.com:

A torah scroll from the northern Italian town of Biella has been identified as the oldest scroll still owned and in use by a Jewish community.

Using carbon-14 dating the torah scroll was dated to around 1250. Though originally it was believed to be from the 14th century.

Dario Disegni, the president of the Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Italy, said: “This is exciting news that is of extraordinary importance for Italian Judaism.”

The scroll has undergone restoration by an Italian sofer since 2012 and will be returned the Biella synagogue on March 6.

The scroll was one of several ancient Torah scrolls chosen as the one best suited for restoration, after being examined by experts.

Though not rare to find very old Torahs, this scroll is unique because since 1250 it has remained completely intact, without a single piece of parchment substituted. The Biella scroll is not the oldest scroll ever found but the oldest one that is still kosher and in use.

The Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Italy has launched a $22,000 crowd-funding campaign to cover the costs of the Biella scroll restoration.

(Source: OnlySimchas.com)

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