Brand New in Los Angeles – Children’s Shoe Store


Family Fashion located in the heart of the Beverly/La Brea area of Los Angeles first opened to fill a need for the frum community – to make modest apparel and fashion basics available in one convenient location.

People were tired of shopping by appointment or online and waiting a few days for an urgently needed basic pair of socks or stockings. Family Fashion brought  a great selection of hosiery, shells, and accessories for ladies and girls.

They expanded also and brought in boys’ basics- tzitzis, yarmulkas, pants, and shirts. Happy customers came and more requests came along with them! Before long, there was a full-fledged clothing department for women, teens, boys, and girls- along with baby gifts and accessories, all from popular and trusted brands across the US and Canada!

Family Fashion is constantly growing and branching out to fill our community’s needs.

Finally a much needed huge  selection  of children’s shoes from brands such as Atlanta, Beberlis, and Venettini  are now available at your favorite one-stop shop in LA!

Family Fashion is located at
612 N Detroit st
Los Angeles, CA 90036

Follow us on
Instagram @familyfashionla

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