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MK Elazar Stern Gives PM Netanyahu ‘A Bracha’ on Advancing the Reform Movement’s Agenda

sternMK (Yesh Atid) Elazar Stern used his allotted speaking time in a plenum session to thank Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and give him a bracha. Stern stated that he heard PM Netanyahu speaking in the USA, promising that Israel should be a place in which all Jews feel comfortable, including Conservative and Reform, but he never believed he would take the steps necessary towards implementing this.

Stern thanked and blessed PM Netanyahu, expressing curiosity regarding what he had to do to get the chareidi parties to go along with the plan, to allocate the egalitarian prayer area near the Kosel, adding “We are all aware of the kedusha of that area, the same as the Kosel and while the chareidim are trying to play it down, you and I know they are one in the same”.

Stern thanked PM Netanyahu for daring to create a new status quo, one that will finally welcome all Jews to Israel, granting legitimacy to so many Jews whom have been ignored to date.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Sadly,hardly a Surprise

    Possibly some commentors will show remorse for their misleading of the tzibbur here
    or would that be asking too much?

    RamatShilo says:
    November 1, 2012 at 6:12 pm
    small kipa seruga? what is that supposed to mean?? i happen to know Mr Stern… he is a yirah shemayim, and he as a person would never ever write on a blog such as this defining a person by their kippa

  2. Piron: Stern & I Represent Classic Religious Zionism
    (Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 06:30 AM)

    Former Education Minister (Yesh Atid) Shai Piron spoke with Galei Yisrael Radio on Monday morning 28 Teves. He spoke of the “failure” in the Bayit Yehudi primaries, citing they have non-religious candidates on board along with political liberals. “It appears to me that Bayit Yehudi tried to do it but simply failed. There was a thought that we could all be together, but it did not work” stated Piron.

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