VIDEO: Jerusalem Protest Against Drafting Chareidim Set for Wednesday Night


A Jerusalem police spokesman announces there will be a protest on Wednesday evening against the drafting of chareidi bnei torah between 7:30PM-11:00PM.

The march will begin on Strauss Street and move to Kikar Shabbos, Malchei Yisrael, Brandeis, Yirmiyahu, Bar Ilan, and David to Yoel Street. There will be an atzeres at Yoel Street. During the event area streets will be shut down to vehicular traffic.

Police stress they will permit the event as scheduled but there will be no tolerance to violence or law-breaking. Police call on organizers to cooperate and exhibit restraint while adhering to instructions from police.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. its a chiuv of every man to learn how to protect himself .
    every yid needs to be trained , and they.idf needs to have to respect our frumkeit .

  2. #3, the IDF is anti-frum, this is shmad. #2 why don’t the Arabs in the Knesset serve in the army they get welfare and everything for free. Let the Zionists make Zoabi the minister of defence.

  3. # 4. Great news we just drafted the remaining Arabs MKs. Now what? I ask you again who should fight to keep the Jews safe if not Jews themselves. BTW Bedouins do serve in the IDF.

    Reality check. The problem with living in a Jewish State is that everyone thinks they are the PM and they decide for themselves if they should go to the army or not. WRONG. Jews that lived in Russia, Poland etc . did not have the option to protest, they would have been shot. They ended up fighting to protect Goyim. Why not protect your own brothers and sisters.

    Besides why should a non frum person put his life on the line for you and not vise versa.?? Fair?

  4. Allan. SOME Bedouins serve not all, but maybe 1% of Israeli Arabs serve, how come they don’t have “share the burden” campaign, it is obviously because the Zionists know they cant make them give up THEIR religion but want us to give up ours for their Hellenism.

  5. #5 Allan: you know, it’s a great idea. Go talk to Rav Kanievsky and Rav Steinman and the other gedolim and if you can persuade them, you’ve succeeded. The chareidim will follow what the gedolim tell them to do. It’s much easier than posting on YWN trying to persuade just a few people at a time.

  6. Karlbenmarx, we hear you load and clear, your anti-zionism is over board, and frankly we don’t accept anything different from you. I’m not sure where you live, but I’m sure you have relatives in Israel or friends, and I’m sure most of them, in the time of terror, would feel better in the presence of “shmad IDF” than those bored “idiots” who are again somehow not learning and walking round the streets.

    # 7, if you are so frum what are you doing on internet? Didn’t you hear rabbonim are not happy with that, or you just pick and choose that fits you.

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