The Daily News Does It Again – Offers Guide To ‘Fleeing’ Trump’s America [SEE ALL FRONT COVERS]


The New York Daily News isn’t joking about Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump anymore. The paper’s Wednesday cover offers instructions on how to flee the U.S. if Trump is elected president.

“The mere thought of President Trump taking the oath of office on Jan. 20, 2017, has already led to threats from U.S. citizens that they would leave our red, white and blue behind if The Donald reaches the White House,” New York Daily News’s Meg Warner wrote in her guide to leaving the country.

Wednesday’s cover story is not the first New York Daily News has published hammering Trump’s White House run. The publication has also written “Trump for Prez” next to a Ku Klux Klan member and called the billionaire’s voters “mindless zombies.”

Below are some of the front covers that the NY Daily news ran featuring The Donald:

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14 Responses

  1. “I am going to get along great with Congress. Paul Ryan, I don’t know him well, but I’m sure I’m going to get along great with him.. And if I don’t, he’s going to have to pay a big price, okay?” Trump said to a reporter.
    one that isn`t with hem will pay a big price i think he is worser then hillary

  2. Just as many Jews fled Germany as soon as yemach shemo took over, we better plan to get out of the US should Trump get elected. His Jewish supporters may end up like the Jews who supported Mussolini.

  3. “it’s time to move to Eretz Yisroel”

    Very risky. Trump has repeatedly said that he wants to take a position that treats Israel the same as its Arab enemies and that he would force both sides to a deal — a deal that certainly would not meet Israel’s security requirements given the current level of chaos in the Arab world.

    Yet Jews continue to support this rasha.

  4. Charlie so when r u packing your bags. The daily news is bankrupt and will do and say anything to get ratings similar to Charlie hall a leftist Hillary Obama supporter

  5. Why is everybody so scared of him America needs a strong leader to defeat the arabs …he is the only one Who can do it.We need this more than anything else once this done we will see further

  6. Lets all take a chill.

    I don’t think it can get worse then the current administration. And if he is another Bibi I’ll be very happy.

  7. Everyone like to bash trump cuz they think they look smarter by thinking they know politics and therefore everyone else is an idiot…well what I see is an ambitious business man who has an ego backed up by success…so there’s no other candidate I’d rather see at a table where negotiations need to be had than one who has more success at doing that than any other candidate. He understands business and understand how not to get taken advantage of no matter what other people think….I’d rather have that than support Iran for the next 20 years just so they say they won’t build a nuke.

  8. #6


    “Yet Jews continue to support this rasha.”

    Lowlife,Sure! Menuval,Yes!!

    But Rasha?!

    Maybe it takes one ,to know one!

    Refrain ,Please, from abusing our vocabulary

    Coming from the incessant supporter/defender of every bonafide Rasha ?!?

    Compared to all those who you invariably support?!?

  9. “His Jewish supporters may end up like the Jews who supported Mussolini.”

    They did well with Mussolini,until he sided with Hitler in the Axis pact at the end of the ’30s.

    Really, Jews did Okay till the germans invaded in sept,’43
    after he was deposed and reinstated as puppet

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