Those Who Don’t Accept Compromise Solution Arrive at the Ezras Noshim of the Kosel

koselThe egalitarian area allocated near the Kosel by the cabinet has come to be known as the Reform area. The Reform Movement has reportedly labeled the area “Ezrat Yisrael”.

YWN-ISRAEL reported that the decision by those willing to accept that new prayer area has other angered, resulting in a split between Women of the Wall (WoW) and the Original Women of the Wall (O-WoW) organizations with the latter accepting the compromise and the former standing firm, opposing it. O-WoW explains for them the Kosel has kedusha and they are uninterested in any area as a substitute, including the current egalitarian area, hence they plan to continue coming to the Kosel.

This is exactly what occurred on Monday morning 20 Adar-I as a group of women, some believing with an affiliation to O-WoW, arrived at the ezras noshim of the Kosel with their own Sefer Torah while wearing tallis and tefilin. There was a disturbance as a result of the provocation and there was shoving. The Sefer Torah was removed from the area as the women ignored the regulations governing the Kosel area.

It is stressed once again the Sefer Torah used by the women was their own, and it was not acquired from the men’s section.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. why don’t they use the printed sefer torah . like the ones we buy for children simchas torah.after they all as the reform dont believe in torah ball peh so they are not bound to all this hilchos kesivas sefer torah. not that they believe in torah beksav either

  2. The photo attached to the article is NOT at the Women’s Section of the Kotel.

    The photo is from Robinson’s Arch platform area — and is not Original Women of the Wall. It shows Reform rabbis from North America.

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