IDF Spokesman: You Can’t Maintain a Disciplined Army When Everyone Grows a Beard

idffAs the controversy surrounding the right of frum soldiers to keep a beard in the IDF snowballs, the IDF Spokesman insists that each case will be addressed on its own merit and each soldier must request permission from his commanders.

IDF Spokesman Brigadier-General Moti Almoz used Facebook to send his message which reads “It is not possible to maintain a disciplined army if everyone has a beard”.

Almoz wrote “There is no desire to offend any soldier. A religious soldier wishing to grow a beard should turn to his commanders as a soldier is wishes to for religious reasons. Thousands of soldiers have turned to their superiors and these requests have been approved.

“On the other hand it is impossible to maintain a disciplined army when everyone grows a beard so we set clear rules”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. So much for the theory that the zionists’ army wants frum soldiers. One should ask the IDF spokesman is taking bribes for Neturei Karta.

  2. “It is not possible to maintain a disciplined army if everyone has a beard”

    He probably meant to say “if *some* soldiers”.

    If literally “everyone” (well, the men) has a beard, then
    you have the desired conformity and discipline can
    be maintained, no?

    So, let them change the regulation to require that all men have a beard! 🙂

  3. “On the other hand it is impossible to maintain a disciplined army when everyone grows a beard so we set clear rules”.

    liar, not everyone wants to have a beard all the chiloni soldiers dont. a minority want beards.

    howcome al qaeda has a disciplined army they all have beards.

  4. and they wonder why charedim protest conscription. do me a favor…the zionists want to secularize the religious and this is just one step. i’m surprised they are being so obvious about it.

  5. #2– strange, all the other armies throughout history that allowed beards didn’t have such a problem. Admit it, the only reason for the “crackdown” on bears is that thosewho run Israel are telling the frum (both Hareidi and Religious Zionists) that they aren’t welcome, and that Medinat Yisrael is NOT their country (proving what Satmar and Neturei Karta have been saying to be a correct analysis ).

  6. Of course, secular guys with pony tails, earrings, nose rings, and gender-confused soldiers (…) are no problem for maintaining disciple in the army.

  7. Come on, everyone (except for those who look for every opportunity to criticize Israel)! This is one commander out of many. The official spokesman had to back him up for now, but wait and watch when those under this commander will be allowed to grow beards after all.

  8. to #9:

    If an American officer displayed biogtry against a minority, it would be the end of his career. In Israel, displaying bigotry against orthodox Jews is accepted because it is the official policy.

  9. To #10 (“akuperma”): Oh, please; bigotry against Orthodox Jews is not the “official policy” in Israel. The hatred you obviously feel towards some of your fellow Jews is very sad.

  10. To #11hallel: You obviously don’t live in Israel and see what goes on. I live here and I am constantly subjected to the anti religious policies that is part and parcel of the Israeli government and media. Just read Ha’aretz and you will see what I am talking about. On second thought, better don’t read it

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