VIDEO: Clinton Blasts Republican Rivals At MA Rally


Hillary Clinton is casting herself as a civil alternative to the insults, bullying, and personal attacks that have consumed the Republican race.

“What we can’t let happen is the scapegoating, the flaming, the finger pointing that is going on the Republican side,” she told voters gathered in Springfield, Massachusetts on Monday morning. “It really undermines our fabric as a nation. So, I want to do everything I can in this campaign to set us on a different course.”

Clinton is in the midst of a campaign swing through Massachusetts and Virginia, on the eve of the Super Tuesday primaries, which includes contests in those states.

She made almost no mention of her primary rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders, underscoring how her political fortunes have shifted since her 22-point loss in New Hampshire earlier this month.

Instead, she’s focusing more on her potential general election opponents, asking Democratic primary voters for their help combating Republican economic policies. She says the two parties will have a “great debate” over the economy.


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