Photo Essay: Mittah of Hagaon HaRav Chaim Shlomo Lebwoitz ZATZAL Arriving to Yeshivas Ponevez Before Levaya (Photos By JDN)

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2 Responses

  1. i have never submitted a comment before, as i feel these are all bitul torah – our time can best be spent by learning, saying tehillim, or doing mitzvos.
    i go onto the YWN website only to catch ‘kosher’ news.
    THIS however, i found shocking and had to register and send you a comment –
    i feel it is completely INAPPROPRIATE and “LO-EIG LE-ROSH” to have displayed the niftar on the floor in his tallis.
    i highly doubt that i am mekayem the mitzvah of “Halvayas HaMes” by looking at that picture – nor do i feel his family would appreciate such a time to be displayed for everyone to see.
    a bit of Tzniyusdik discretion would be in order and, frankly, i feel that YWN is becoming a bit too sensationalized in the photos and some of the articles, as well.
    this is surely NOT WHAT THE GEDOLIM had in mind, when they started this website for Yidden to see what is going on in the world, as opposed to looking at sensationalized news from secular sources.

    Moderators Note: Apparently you are unaware…..but the Minhag in Eretz Yisroel (and many other places around the world) is to bring the Niftar of a Rosh Hayeshiva, Admor etc to their Bais Hamedrash, and lay them on the floor, surrounded by candles, and thousands file past and recite tehillim. There is nothing not Bakovadik in displaying the photo. A Niftar is placed on the floor. It is called “Hashkava”.

    Here are just a few photos of previous Gedolim:

    Erlau Rebbe:

    Rav Michel Yehuda Lefkoitz:

    Rav Sheinberg:

    Tosher Rebbe:

    Vishnitzer Rebbe:

  2. zaidster – Sorry but with all the bitul Torah…you should atleast quote where is there any lack of “LO-EIG LE-ROSH” by showing a pic of a niftar in his Talis, perhaps you should ask if there is Loeg LeRosh when any niftar is wrapped in a talis in the first place, rather when buried in tzizis…Or, perhaps they hold like the GRA and others that there is no..

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