BREAKING: Chris Christie Endorses Donald Trump For President

trcrNew Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is slamming Florida Sen. Marco Rubio as he endorses Donald Trump for president.

Christie says, “We don’t need any more of these Washington, D.C., acts.”

Christie memorably attacked the freshman senator at the final Republican debate before the New Hampshire primary, tripping up Rubio in a moment that likely contributed to his poor performance in the state’s primary. Christie accused him of parroting the same talking points repeatedly and said a president should be able to think on his feet.

The endorsement from Christie comes the day after Rubio changed tactics in Thursday’s GOP debate and began to attack Trump on a variety of fronts, from his business background to his preparedness to lead the nation. Rubio continued on Friday morning, calling Trump “a con artist” during a round of morning television interviews.

Trump says Rubio is a “desperate guy” and said, “I don’t think he’s of presidential caliber.”


18 Responses

  1. Mr. Tough-Guy got pummeled last night at the debate by Marco Rubio for his illegal past, so he has to hide behind Chris Christie. How will he stand up to Hillary Clinton or Putin?

    Will President Abbas endorse Trump next?

  2. The fact is we are in Golus and need to watch our words. No matter how smart we are and sure about who should be president and what each candidate is about, we need remember the reason we are so politically invested: It matters to us, in so many areas, who is POTUS. With that in mind if the masses are rallying behind someone or if someone has a chance to become POTUS, let’s not make enemies. And yes their people follow our views of them.

  3. Christie is right. It’s about time we have a president that doesn’t care about being politically correct it’s about time there’s a president that we won’t have politics by. And don’t say what?! How’s that possible? Well according to one of these scientist they say “in order to have politics u have to create them” do we need another lier taking the office? Do we need someone who will also die in presidency? We need someone who’s powerful and someone who people are afraid of. They say America has one of the biggest black markets in drugs. Do u know where that comes from? Mexico. That wall that trump will build hopefully will stop that. We all need trump whether we like it or not and we know it!

  4. Holtkup, very reasonable… Which is why the Jews should have supported Hitler (Y”S)…After all, after a while the German masses supported him, too.

  5. Zalman got it the closest. While we may never know for sure how much he had to do with “BridgeGate,” we do know that Christie is (1)deep down a vindictive kinda guy. So he suddenly endorses his arch-enemy of a few days ago to settle against the stronger candidates and try to suck votes away from them. And (2)really pretty liberal deep down, plus a known Obama T.L’er (I will not spell that one out. I hope the strategy will be transparent to all. Either way, his idea is to get Hilary in. Or, worst comes to worst, Trump, who indeed may offer him a Cabinet post.

  6. #12 cholent111, finally someone with some brains said something good! not sure why the jewish world is so against trump! hes very conservative in his ideas and also pro israel, and his daughter is a giyores, hes definitly sounds good enough to be president and very much on the yiddens side, and his son in law Kushner (jewish man) donated money to BMG etc. hes straight, blunt, and gets to the point. better than than cruz the fraud lyer, and rubio the ice cream guy.

  7. Wow MosheB, you and Vicente Fox(and Joe Biden) can’t control yourselves. To help you out a bit(can’t fix you your extreme way of presenting things) I wasn’t defending anyone’s rhetoric. My point was and is that your vote and opinion can’t change the strong winds. So think before hating in public forums, especially someone who takes it so personally. And BTW part of the reason he does is because loyalty is part and parcel of his work ethic. So show some.

  8. This is a sore loser shot at Rubio… he has to back a possible winner and it certainly can’t be Rubio after that embarrassing downfall… self-centered… disappointing

  9. Holtkup, after hearing Trump quote Mussolini and stumble over David Duke and White Supremacists, do you still think Jews should not speak out against him forcefully? Just curious…

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