Police: Maale Adumim Attack Was Terror

Police on Friday, erev Shabbos Ki Sisa announce the attack that took place in a Maale Adumim shopping center during the night was a terror attack.

According to police, the 47-year-old security guard was seriously wounded. The attacker fled the scene and a manhunt for him continues. Police add that the city is called to all Arab laborers until Sunday. There is a gag order on details of the case.

Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital spokeswoman Hadar Elboim reports the patient is out of surgery and is admitted to a neurological intensive care unit. He sustained a serious head injury. His condition is described as critical/unstable.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Maybe I am just an ignorant stupid person. I sent an on line petition of over 200 signatures to Agudah, OU, Young Israel, ADL, ZOA, JCRC, Hadassah, Emunah, AJC, Simon Weisenthal Center, Bnai Zion , Aipac and others and even Dov HIKIND, Sentaor Felde4r and Councilman Greenfield urging ACTION – not Empty Condemnations of Palestinian Authority years of Incitement, Glorification of terrorists and payment of stipends to their families resulting in Palestinian culture of murder of Jews in Israel yet the US continues funding hundreds of millions annually to the PA and keep ther embassy open! I even tried an oped in YW but it was refused. Maybe I am just stupid and just relating the many months of Palestinian terror and just condemning it to no avail is all we could do. Unlike just 10 years ago under Bush when we had 100,000 rally in Washington. Maybe because he was REPUBLICAN or not an African Americsn?!??!?

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