Shas Torah Council Follows the Lead And Vows to Become Active in the Battle Against the Reform Movement in Israel

7After the Moetzas Gedolei Hatorah of Agudas Yisrael convened this week, deciding to go on the offensive against the Reform Movement, the Shas party Moetzas Gedolei Torah met and reached the same conclusion. The torah council released a strong message on Wednesday night, with council leader HaGaon HaRav Shalom Cohen Shlita emphasizing the need to prevent the Reform Movement from making additional advancements.

It is reported the meeting was in response to a request from Shas leader Minister Aryeh Deri, who turned to the party’s gedolei torah for direction as how to proceed in the battle against the Reform Movement.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. It Is a very bad thing the whole situation in eretz yisroel with the reform & it’s terible all the achievments that they have made the last few weeks, we have to fight it but we should’nt get fooled by thoose MK’s they are the ones that had the law passed and this whole asifa of the gedolim are only 1 of Ari Deri’s many political tricks to kasher himself up from this whole mess, where was he before they passed the law why didn’t he make then a asifa but the truth is that he is a 1 man band he is the MK & he makes the DAAS TORAH (so called) as well he has R’ Shalom Kohen & the rest of the moetzes chachmai hatorah between his fingers they don’t have any authority over him (that same thing was when they voted for the draft law a few months ago) and thats with Moshe Gafni also so we should’nt be satisfied that the MOETZES (from both parties) condemed it because it means ziltch we have to daven that all their plans from the reform should fall apart. amen

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