Chief Rabbinate Council: Cabinet Decision to Allocate Egalitarian Prayer Area At Kosel is Illegal


The Chief Rabbinate of Israel Council convened to discuss recent worrisome advances made in Israel by the Reform Movement, with a focus on the cabinet decision to allocate an egalitarian prayer area without a mechitzah near the Kosel. Joining the special session was Kosel Rav Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz Shlita, who told the rabbonim if the council does not sign off approving the new area, it will not happen. Rabbi Rabinowitz added that the matter is also on the desk of gedolei yisrael, but he declined to mention anyone by name.

Rabbi Yehuda Deri Shlita suggested putting the matter on hold until the cabinet wishes to confer with the forum however Rabbi Shimon Elituv felt this was not the way to go, explaining they must express opposition and not remain passive until such time the government invites them to comment.

The council decided to recommend to the government to freeze implementation of the new area until the cabinet and Chief Rabbinate Council can confer on the matter in addition to stating the decision of the cabinet is not legal since such a move demands consulting with the Chief Rabbinate Council before it is a fait accompli.

The Chief Rabbinate also tells the cabinet the Reform Movement is committed to uprooting Torah Judaism in Israel, accusing them of spreading assimilation around the world.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Reform has WITHERED MUCH OF AMERICAN JEWRY. It has thrown away many of Classical Judaisms practices and most of the fundamental Beliefs including Positive Belief in G-d, in Reward and Punishment by Him, in Prophecy, in the Prophecy of the WHole Torah by G-d to Moses, in the coming of Messiah and in the eventual Resurrection at the end of times of the righteous. They also have done away with MOST of the rules of Sabbath (at one time they even switched it to Sunday), advocate free for all abortion and absolutely no qualms of any lifestyles (despite them being openly disallowed in Scriptures). To no shock there is a lot of assimilation and inter marriage (majority of them) to the point one is not sure what percentage of Reform Jews are actually Halachically Jewish. Obviously to Dedicated Committed Jews this means Reform Judaism was a catastrophe who we do not want to end up taking any power in Israel which was set up as a refuge Jewish State. Otherwise it may lead very likely to an Increase in Mamzerim (Bastards) in Israel and it may no longer be (it isn’t anyways due to many Russian and other non Jews) for granted if you come to Israel you will probably marry a Jew. It needs to be Emphacized this is not against Reform JEWS but Reform JUDAISM. it is of course good tat they identify with Jewishness as opposed to another group. But not that they Changed it to be “In Their Own Image”

  2. The smiling in these photos seem to reflect that of מים גנובים as apposed to that of שמחה של מצוה.

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