Greenfield Announces Another Record Year for Discretionary Funding Applications

gfnFor the second consecutive year, applications for discretionary funding have exceeded expectations, Councilman David G. Greenfield announced Thursday. Discretionary funding allows nonprofits to receive government funding to support their organizations. For organizations seeking to receive expense funding in fiscal year 2017, the application deadline passed on Monday.

“For the second year in a row, we have received a record number of applications for this important funding,” Greenfield said. “I’m very pleased that so many organizations took advantage of this opportunity.” Greenfield has been vocal in encouraging Brooklyn nonprofits to apply for funding, even holding a meeting for interested groups at his office at which the entire application process was explained in detail. As a result of Greenfield’s efforts, over 800 groups applied for funding this year, a record number.

Many nonprofit organizations rely on city funding to do their work. Greenfield is committed to doing all he can to help these important community organizations receive the funding they need to fulfill their missions. Last year, some of the organizations to receive funding included Masbia, a soup kitchen that provides food for the needy; Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services, which works with families and children with disabilities; and the Brooklyn Public Library. These were just a few of the nearly 100 nonprofits for which Greenfield was able to secure funding in the last fiscal year.

“In the five years I’ve been in office, I’ve been able to secure over $10 million in funding for hundreds of outstanding community groups. The way I’ve done it is simple – I invite nonprofits to meet with me and with my staff, and we give them all the information and consideration they need to apply for funding.” Although there are not enough funds available to fully fund the requests of every group that files an application, Greenfield said that every application would be thoroughly reviewed. Greenfield has secured over $5 million to fund expense and capital needs over the last fiscal year.

Organizations that submitted their application by Monday’s deadline for expense funding should expect a decision on their funding status in July. Applications for capital funding are due by March 25. Anyone with questions should reach out to Councilman Greenfield’s office at 718-853-2704.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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