IDF Soldier Attacked in Meah Shearim – Arrests Made

mishAn IDF soldier entering Meah Shearim was attacked on Wednesday evening 15 Adar-I with eggs and insults by chareidim. When police arrived, they too were attacked with eggs and different objects being hurled at them.

Police arrested two minors and dispersed the crowd. The soldier escaped without physical injuries.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. I hope they didn’t scream nazi at the police YWN says your not allowed to do that and they are daas Torah even ask them, even though the chofetz Chaim brought by reb elchonon in Kovetz maamorimi begs to differ with them.

  2. It is nice to be a person who can break the Torah laws and the secular laws, not understand learning and mumble their davening while reading the handout literature and still think they are G-d’s gift to the Jewish world.

    They should be arrested and sent to prison in Ramallah where they belong.

  3. As long as the leadership, Rabbanim & manhigim malign & use rhetoric plus funds to publicity the ‘Chardak” campaign against religious soldiers – these actions will increase & intensify.

  4. Wow they don’t have money to put food on thier table yet they throw thier eggs?! Maybe if you would stop throwing food at people then g-d will give you food to actually eat.

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