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French Jewish Teacher Arrested For Fabricating ‘ISIS Stabbing Attack’

iA Jewish teacher in France who claimed he was attacked by ISIS terrorists was taken into custody today, accused of lying to police.

The man invited the press to his house in Marseille in southern France the day after the supposed attack in December, saying he had been beaten by three men claiming to represent ISIS.

But a police source confirmed today that the man had been arrested for allegedly fabricating the story.

At the time, YWN had reported the mans name for Tehillim, as well as a subsequent interview of the man speaking to Walla News in Israel about the “attack”.

An excerpt of the interview as transcribed by YWN was:

“I left my home at about 7:00 PM. Two people stopped me and asked how to get a street. They asked are you Jewish or Muslim. I told them I am Jewish and suddenly they knocked me to the ground and shouted anti-Semitic obscenities. He was wearing an ISIS shirt. They said ‘we are going to hurt you, kill you’ and one was videoing this with his cell phone. Suddenly a car approached and they were afraid and ran”.

He is not the only French teacher to be accused of lying about an ISIS attack.

In January, a nursery school teacher was sent for psychiatric tests after admitting he lied about an attack in his classroom.

(Dov Gordon – YWN / The National)

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