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NY Health Exchange Says State’s Uninsured Down To 5 Percent

healthcare_recordThe New York Health Exchange says more than 2.8 million people have signed up for Medicaid and low-cost insurance through its 2016 open enrollment that ended Jan. 31.

According to state health officials, federal data show the number of uninsured New Yorkers has declined by nearly 850,000 since the exchange opened in 2013, dropping from 10 percent to 5 percent by last September.

The enrollment totals include 1,966,920 people in government-funded Medicaid.

Another 379,559 have enrolled in the exchange’s “essential plan,” a new 2016 option designed to provide benefits and lower premiums of $20 or less a month.

The exchange reports 271,964 people enrolled in plans offered through the exchange by commercial and nonprofit insurers, and 215,380 in the state’s Child Health Plus program for children under age 19.


One Response

  1. Yes sure. Neither mine or my wife’s doctors except this garbage insurance so we end up paying insurance premium and cash at the the doctor – thank you Obama!

    Oh! btw these 5 percent is probably a big thanks to the fact that you are forced to show at your tax return that you are covered by insurance if you don’t want to have some extra fees on your return…

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