Taking Chesed To New Heights – R’ Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz Flies SCHI Student to Eretz Yisroel

syrWorld renowned philanthropist R’ Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz is taking Chesed to new heights on Sunday night.

A few days ago, a SCHI student, mentioned to his teachers,family and friends his dream of flying to Eretz Yisroel.

Making that dream a reality was no simple matter as there were numerous logistical obstacles in the way. However, a teacher at SCHI – R’Chaim Birnhack- was determined to make it happen. Chaim began working on a budget and the logistics of such a complicated trip. Despite all the obstacles, Chaim knew he had to give his student the trip of a lifetime.

One of the biggest challenges was funding the trip. To raise the necessary funds, Chaim launched a donation website.

R’ Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz heard about the effort to raise money for this trip. He immediately recognized the importance of helping make this student’s dream a reality. R’ Shlomo Yehuda approached a Lakewood Askan with an extremely generous offer…

He would fly the SCHI student to Eretz Yisroel for a ten day trip of a lifetime!

On Sunday night, R’ Shlomo Yehuda, the student, his teacher, Askonim and medical support staff are heading off to Eretz Yisroel, making what was almost an impossible dream into a fabulous reality!!

22 Responses

  1. I know a Regular couple that hasn’t been to Eretz Yisroel in Twenty years, they can’t afford the trip. Will the Philanthropist sponsor them?

  2. Appleface… How can u compare a terminally ill special needs child with a regular couple who haven’t been in 20 years… Shame on you!!!

    A beautiful chesed!!!

  3. A nice chesed, but it’s probably a tovah for him not to be mefarsem EVERYTHING he does.

    Vehatzneah leches im elokecha, and a host of mamarei chazal which aren’t positive on pirsum.

    And to claim that it’s inspiring is not true since most of us don’t have and never will have the ability to do these things.

  4. I am curious as to why the Chesed performed by Mr Rechnitz needs to be constantly publicized. People do all kinds of Chesed every day, visiting the sick, Tzedaka, Chesed Shel Emes and the list goes on. They never get publicity. Why the need to focus on Mr Rechnitz constantly? People get rewarded for their Chesed in the world to come. I wonder if there is an ulterior motive by News organizations to constantly publicize stories about Mr Rechnitz

  5. What’s with all the judging and hating? He did a nice thing, I’m sure the kid will be happy, and no one is being hurt by it, so who are any of you to say what he should have done differently?

  6. The School for Children with Hidden Intelligence (SCHI) is a non-profit, fully accredited school that provides special education for the multiply-handicapped, mentally challenged, and physically disabled children of the Tri-State Metropolitan area who have challenges as varied as autism, Down syndrome, and cerebral palsy. Founded in 1994, it has succeeded in establishing itself as a progressive educational institution with an outstanding reputation.

  7. As someone who actually knows the particulars of the story he actually did NOT want this story getting around. So instead of ripping him thank social media for publicizing a story that wasn’t supposed to be.

  8. This is far from the first time rsy has used his plane for generous purposes. I know of 2 instances where a sick child needed to be transported from my to la and couldn’t fly on a regular plane. Rsy immediately offered his, allowing the child to make the trip in comfort and privacy.

  9. Apple-faced, your not sending either one to Eretz Yisroel; and if you care about the day to day ‘real’ things, you wouldn’t follow the news like us:So back off my mamma! And BTW we admire R’ Shlomo Yehuda because he is from the so called “new” money, yet appreciates spending on things that the young shnooks who made a few bucks could never understand.(they only wonder how to become a celebrity like him). So yes we are looking for more young people with money to spend some of it in needs in our community that were never in style to address with resources.

  10. In response to all the naysayers, there are BH many many wealthy Frum yidden who could do much more. R Shlomo Yehuda is doing wonderful things with his money, and the publicity surely makes others with deep pockets realize that they should be doing more…or it at least makes them realize how much kavod you can get for it!

  11. @Git Meshige you should know they there are tons of good things that Reb Shlomo Yehuda does that no one has a clue about, and the amount of chessed he does is incredible. And it shows us how such a busy person that has so much to take care of can still make time to go with a sick child to make him happy as opposed to just “writing out another check” and sponsoring it is a big mussar for all of us!

  12. Let us put this all in perspective. Chesed is done on a daily basis by very ordinary individuals that may never see the light of day until Moschiach comes. Chesed does not reach new heights because a wealthy individual is using Hashems gifts. Let us not forget and illuminate the individuals that are involved in the not so glamorous job of taking care of this sick individual they are also doing chesed. There is no chesed that is more than another only Hashem can illuminate the true value of chesed. May Klaal Yisroel continue to be Gomeli Chasodim.

  13. I don’t care about all this bickering. I know one thing- R Shlomo Yehuda obviously was blessed with a HUGE heart along with his wealth. Hashem knows who he can entrust HIS money with. There aren’t many people that give the way this man does.

  14. The real heroes here are the Special Childrens Center ! You want to see love ? Visit the center . You want to see the most selfless people you will ever meet ? Visit the Center . You want to see chesed, endless amounts of giving and incredible love , day in day out ? Visit the Center !! Stop in any afternoon and watch what goes on, children being bathed ,fed, singing, playing and just being loved. Its an incredible thing to see.

  15. Git Meshige, I’m not as good a person as Goldbond because I think the Chesed performed by Mr Rechnitz is of interest only because the lives of the rich and famous have always fascinated the masses.
    What surprises is that Mr Rechnitz allows it. Isn’t he worried about ayin horah.
    It did for the Reichmans …

  16. please! please! could we just concentrate on the good in each other and stop trying to act as if we’re the heavenly tribunal! if there’s something we see that we feel we could take out to inspire us to improve ourselves let’a do that (btw there always is… “eizeh hu chochom halomed mekol adam”) otherwise just go on… IN SHORT IF YOU HAVE NOTHING NICE TO SAY BETTER KEEP QUIET!

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