Rubio Says Time For Trump To Spell Out Policies

rubMarco Rubio says he’s in good shape to more directly take on Donald Trump as a smaller Republican field moves on after South Carolina.

The Florida senator tells CBS’ “Face the Nation” that the choice for Republicans is becoming “clearer and clearer” now that rival Jeb Bush is out of the race.

Rubio says it’s time for Trump — who won in South Carolina on Saturday — to start spelling out clear policy positions on national security matters, health care and more.

Rubio puts it this way: “If you’re running to be president, you can’t just tell people you’re going to make America great again.”


6 Responses

  1. Rubio puts it this way: “If you’re running to be president, you can’t just tell people you’re going to make America great again.”

    And why not? All Obama said was it’s time for a change. He didn’t detail anything. In retrospect, he was the only one that did everything he said. “Change”. Wow did he change things!

  2. Well Mr. Rubio, How about not to take money from special interest groups or lobbyists? Is that good for a start to make American great again? Stop the corruption in Washington! How much money have you taken in from so called donors that want to control you like a puppet? Trump has taken ZERO!!

  3. As much as I hate commenting on this site (this is my third time ever, my second about Trump), sometimes it is necessary to make people open their eyes. Jay, obviously Rubio & Cruz may not make great presidents but if you really think that trump will, you need to wake up. The guy is a maniac. He is an unstable nutjob who riles up the mobs of America to gain their support. The guy is as likely to start world war 3 or to call for all Jews to be kicked out of America as he is to “make this country great again”. I know it isn’t a comparison, but Hitler had a similar strategy: Feed on people’s anger, grow the anger, then do whatever you want, regardless of right or wrong. Don’t get me wrong: I agree with him on quite a few things, but his personality is dangerous to America and to Jews in America. Wise up Jay.

  4. Excuse me how dare you take the stomach to compare Mr.Trump to The Demon Devil Htlr Yimach Shmo Vzichro. Donald is a compassionate person that loves jews and all minorities. He gives huge amounts of charity to many jewish, black, and latino causes worldwide and has many jewish employees that admire him greatly. Did you know that his beloved daughter that manages part of his empire converted to Judaism? Did you know that his son in law is jewish? Hello? Please wake up from you dreams and stop lying like Hillary and Bill. Fact is Fact! Trump will make America great again for everyone including you my dear fellow jew!

  5. Jay1212 – Obviously, you did not get letsgetthisright’s point at all. He’s not intending to compare him to Hitler or anything like that at all…
    Just reread his comment again.

  6. Jay 1212 and all of Trump’s die-hard supporters, I understand why Trump appeals to you all but if you think he is going to make America great again you are setting yourselves up for major disillusionment.

    Trump is a Republican Obama. He knows what to say and how to say it but he has no policy and if he does, he’s doing a great job at hiding it. He, like Obama before him, thinks that his amazing negotiating skills and rhetoric are going to be enough to get things done.

    He talks about making Mexico pay for a wall. Now, we need that wall, desperately, but if anyone thinks Mexico is going to pay for it I have a whole lot of bridges in Guadalajara that I’d love to sell you.

    He talks about “getting along” with Putin, which is about as realistic as Chamberlain’s thinking he could “get along” with Hitler.

    He blathers on about China and tariffs and whatnot without giving one explanation as to how he’s going to do that without killing hundreds of thousands (if not more) American jobs and driving prices through the roof.

    And most of all, he boasts about not taking money from any donors, which is an out-and-out lie.

    And this is all without going into his principles, which I would love to do – see Planned Parenthood, for example – but would take up way too much space in a comments section.

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