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Former NYC Mayor Dinkins Hospitalized for Pneumonia

dinkins.jpgFormer mayor David Dinkins is being treated for pneumonia at a New York City hospital.

A spokeswoman for the 88-year-old Dinkins said Friday that he was at New York Presbyterian Hospital being treated for a lung infection.

Spokeswoman Lynda Hamilton says Dinkins is resting and “is going to be fine.”

There was no word on when he might be released.

Dinkins was treated for pneumonia at the same hospital in 2013.

He was the first black mayor of the nation’s largest city. The Democrat served one term, from 1990 to 1993.


6 Responses

  1. Gemach When I. A big soney yisrael. Remember the Crown heights pogrom and how he didn’t allow the police to come to Crown Heights to help. Remember how Yankel Rosenbaum a”h was butchered and Dinkins did nothing.

  2. Yemach Shimo vizichro; he is personally responsible for the Crown Heights pogrom and the death of Yankel Rosenbaum; his pandering to the likes of Al Sharpton and C. Vernon Mason was beyond pathetic and entirely inexcusable

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