Yesha Council Protest to Close Down PA Incitement TV

hamThe Yesha Council released a statement condemning the latest murder of Tuvia Yanai Weissman HY”D and it is calling for a mass protest to close down the Palestinian incitement channels. Tuvia Weissman from Maale Michmas, was brutally murdered on Thursday afternoon by two teenage Palestinian terrorists while doing his weekend shopping at the Rami Levi supermarket in Shaar Binyamin.

During the investigation into Daphne Meir’s murder, the mother and wife knifed in front of her home in Otniel, the young terrorist told security forces: “I was watching PA television and decided to go out and kill a Jew”.

On Sunday morning 12 Adar I, at 10AM, the Yesha Council will hold a mass protest outside the cabinet meeting to demand that the government take immediate action against Palestinian incitement by closing down their propaganda television channels.

“The constant flow of incitement via official Palestinian Authority Television has fueled the recent wave of terror, it can and must be stopped. We call upon the government of Israel to take immediate action to close these channels of incitement before more lives are lost” Said Oded Ravivi, Mayor of Efrat.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. The Israeli government is giving terror the OK to broadcast to the Palestinians incitement. The should be closed permanently ASAP

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