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Religious Parties Join Forces to Bypass High Court Ruling Regarding Beersheva Reform Convert

mikvah.jpgThe High Court of Justice recently ruled that a Reform Movement convert must be permitted to toivel in a Chief Rabbinate of Israel-run mikve in Beersheva in front of a Reform beis din.

In response, Shas, Bayit Yehudi and Yahadut Hatorah have united in the hope of passing a bill that will circumvent the High Court’s ruling. The religious parties are proposing a bill that stipulates mikvaos must operate under the regulations set forth by local religious councils.

Among those who spoke out harshly against the court’s ruling was Rishon L’Tzion Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef Shlita.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Isn’t “Reform beis din” an oxymoron???How can you have any type of beis din by people who don’t follow Jewish law?

  2. They take the external trappings of Judaism and toss away the depth. That’s how they ql”feel Jewish” and do whatever they feel like doing.

    Before anyone gets smug about it though, it is worthwhile to examine oneself and see if one is doing the same thing, even to a limited extent. It’s easy to get lost in the externalities (which are still necessary), and miss the real Judaism.

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