Lapid: I Doubt Menachem Begin Would be Elected in Likud Primaries Today

lapYesh Atid party leader MK Yair Lapid on Thursday morning 9 Adar I spoke with Israel Radio’s Reshet Bet about a number of matters. Lapid, who has announced he will run against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in the next Knesset elections, continues to interview in the media to get his message out.

Interestingly, unlike most politicians in Israel, Lapid concentrates on selling what he has to offer and does not speak ill of opponents. Speaking about the various political parties today, Lapid explained his father was a follower of Menachem Begin and the Likud today is a far cry from the ideal and ideology of the late Menachem Begin. He added that in all likelihood, today, if Begin ran for a position in the Likud primaries he would probably be perceived as too extreme.

Lapid was also asked about PM Netanyahu’s support for casinos in Eilat. He opposes the move, explaining there is no place for casinos in a Jewish state. He stated that in addition, if they are established, the people who can least afford them will gamble and their situation will only worsen.

When asked when his party will have primaries he did not beat around the bush, stating he is remaining the head of the party for at least the next two elections.

Lapid is self-appointed and has no plans for primaries to elect the party roster. Critics compare him to the chareidi parties, which operate the same way, without primaries. The Yisrael Beitenu party also does not have primaries, but the party leader, MK Avigdor Lieberman appoints the lineup.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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