NY Governor Cuomo: ‘Insulting’ That Corrupt Politicians Get State Pension

cuomNew York’s governor says it adds “insult to injury” that taxpayers have to pay for pensions for elected officials convicted of corruption.

Andrew Cuomo’s comments on Thursday came after the state comptroller’s office announced that two former legislative leaders found guilty of corruption are getting pensions.

Ex-Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos’ annual state pension is $95,831. Ex- Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver is getting $79,222.

Skelos, a Long Island Republican, was convicted of using his influence to get his son no-show jobs with companies that had state interests.

Silver, a Manhattan Democrat, was convicted of trading favors to enrich himself.

Both have asked for the convictions to be thrown out, arguing crimes weren’t proven.

Cuomo supports a Constitutional amendment that would strip pensions from elected officials convicted of official misconduct.


2 Responses

  1. Mr. Govena,

    Please be quiet because according to media sources in NY you are on Preet Bharara’s radar and you may want your pension the day after…

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