Granddaughters and Shehecheyanu

shehecheyanu_artBy Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times


There is a fascinating Sefer Chasidim (#843) that states:  A certain elder lived in one city and his son resided i another city.  When his son had a son and when his daughter had a son he would recite the blessing HaTov v’hamaitiv.  He was told, “But this is only said when one has a son himself.”  He responded, even if any Tzaddik and chassid were to have a son and I love him on account of his righteousness, I recite a blessing.”

The Eliyahu Rabba cites this Sefer Chassidim as does the Ktzos HaShulchan (64:10).  The Biur Halacha (Siman 64), however, rejects this position and rules that the Poskim do not agree with this ruling. He cites the response of the Rashba (Vol. IV #77) that the bracha of HaTov uMaitiv cannot just be recited on everything that many people are happy about.  The Chida in his annotations to the Sefer Chassidim also rules that HaTov v’haMaitiv cannot be recited with hashem’s Name and Malchus.

The Biur Halacha adds that for a granddaughter one should recite a shehecheyanu, because it is no different than seeing a good friend that one has not seen for a month.  Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach in his Halichos Shlomo writes that the words of the Mishna Brurah are a Chiddush.

The blessing of Hatov v’hamaitiv can be generally understood as a “super-shehecheyanu” that is that when there is more than one person benefiting, a HaTov v’hamaitiv is recited

It is related that when Rav Shlomo Zalman had his first grandchild he arranged for two different good wines to be brought so that he could recite a blessing of HaTov v’hamaitiv, even though the issue under discussion is the blessing of shehecheyanu.  Rav Yitzchok Yoseph also rules that a blessing may not be recited and recommends taking a new fruit so that the bracha can be recited.  The Kaf HaChaim rules the same way.  Nonetheless, many Poskim have said that one may certainly rely upon the Biur Halacha, particularly if he is extremely happy at having the grandchild.

The author can be reached at [email protected]

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