Photo Essay: Thousands Attend Kinus Regarding the Danger of Technology in Elad With Drashos By Gedolim And Admorim (Photos By JDN)

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4 Responses

  1. If they are against technology why did those use electricity, flood lights, microphones, printed signs. Did they or their ancestors come to Erez Yisroel by horse driven wagons? All technology can be used for good or evil. Like everything in life we have bacera.

    For example Whats App is on the forbidden list yet my family use creates achdus in our family. I use this app to make phone calls over the internet so I don’t have to pay exorbaniate roaming charges when I am out of the country. Is either use of this app something which should be assur. In fact I can’t even think of a use for this app which could lead to being sinful.

  2. pioyos: What makes you think he saw any reos aseros (R’iyos Asuros) – a.k.a. things you shouldn’t see? I’ve never seen anything forbidden on WhatsApp and I’ve been using it for a long time.

    Despite what you’ve been told, Smart Phones don’t have schmutz on them – unless somebody puts it there.

    Sure it can happen by accident. You may see things that you see walking down the street. But you can quickly get rid of them.

    Or you can save them, talk about them, show them to the Rabbonim and make a big Kennes about them. Your choice.

    And you don’t see the irony of using technology to talk against technology?

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