Slight Improvement in Seriously Injured 402 Bus Accident Victim

eggedHospital officials report a slight improvement in the condition of Sara bas Dina, who was seriously injured in the Egged 402 bus accident on Highway 1 earlier in the week.  She is going into surgery again this morning and the family requests that the tzibur continue being mispallel for her and all the victims in need of a refuah.

Sara was seriously injured in the accident which occurred just two weeks before her chasenah, which has been put on hold. Doctors worked for ten hours following the accident to save her avulsed hand and B’chasdei Hashem it appears that procedure was successful.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. The YW tehillim list of names of injured had her name then as Sara bas DINA- here it says says bas BINA- can anyone please verify the correct name for tefilla? TY

  2. Yes please, and also read somewhere yesterday somewhere that they added the name Chaya. Please can someone confirm both these points? Thanks

  3. Neither one is correct. The correct name is Chaya Sara bas Bina. (Chaya was added, evidently YWN is unaware of that.)

    Moderators Note: Her sister is Chaya…..

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