Life Can Be Hard. Yashar Koach to Rav Dovid M. Cohen For Making It a Little Easier


New from Mosaica Press!
We’re Almost There 
by Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen
235 pages.

From being single, to being married, to raising a (special) child, rising-rabbinic-star Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen shares his experiences and immense wisdom about living a Jewish life in the world today. Readers will gain a friend, a mentor, and positive can-do attitude to life.

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‘Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen is one of a new breed of energetic, effective and creative rabbis who are creating a Torah ‘revolution’ in our times.  He is an insightful thinker and a stimulating speaker. I look forward to more of his literary talents reaching the wider Jewish public!’

-Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman, Rav, Congregation Ahavas Israel, Passaic, NJ, Mishpacha magazine columnist and author of Elephant in the Room and For Everything A Time

The intelligent, honest, and sincere voice of my dear friend R’ Dovid Cohen, pierces through the cloudy confusion of our times.  Study and savor this marvelous collection of essays and personal reflections. This is a touching, and engaging work!’

-Rabbi Moshe Weinberger, Rabbi, Congregation Aish Kodesh, Woodmere, NY and Mashpia, Yeshiva University

‘It is a rarity to see such a young talmid chacham, just beginning his ascent,  possessing such vast experience in so many diverse disciplines.   Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen combines within his extraordinary persona the following characteristics: rav, lamdun, posek, guide, teacher, advisor and social worker. In this book, Rabbi Cohen brings this rich spiritual diversity to the fore as he shares with us his thoughts and his travels, with the exclusive purpose being the spreading of Torah and bringing people closer to their father in heaven. There is much to learn from this book as it incorporates a variety of worlds, presented in a fascinating and most uplifting fashion.’

‘…contains a wealth of information from personal experiences and personal relationships with great Torah personalities. The Rabbis tell us, “there is no one wiser than one with experience.” I found the material to be informative, inspiring and entertaining and recommend the book as a source for down to earth advice and guidance…’

-Rabbi Zev Leff, Rav, Moshav Matityahu, Rosh Kollel of Yeshivah Gedolah Matityahu

‘I heartily recommend this insightful and thought-provoking book.  Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen takes us along a fascinating journey through his personal experiences in the Rabbinate and deals with some challenging situations with which many individuals and families will readily identify.  His lively style of narrative and mastery of an impressive range of Jewish sources will deepen faith and inspire and motivate many readers.’ 

-Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth

‘Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen has written the orthodox Jewish version of  A Prairie Home Companion, with New York’s upper west side as Lake Wobegon.  This entertaining and illuminating volume shares life lessons and rabbinic answers to human dilemmas with a mix of humor, sadness and seriousness. It is serious and enjoyable, a nice read.’

-Ambassador Daniel C. Kurtzer, former United States Ambassador to Israel and Egypt and Professor of Middle Eastern Policy Studies at the Woodrow Wilson School of Princeton University

Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen is a pulpit rabbi, lawyer, therapist and special needs advocate.  He has semicha from RIETS and learned for many years in the Kollel of Yeshivas Birchas Mordechai of Beitar Ilit, an outgrowth of a popular chabura in the Mir.  He holds a Juris Doctor degree from Columbia Law School and sits as a rabbinical judge for the Beis Din of America.  He is a popular guest columnist for Mishpacha magazine and is a coveted scholar in residence around the world.

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