Cruz: Trump Isn’t Kind Of President Children Should Look Up To

truTed Cruz suggests that Donald Trump would not be the kind of president children should look up to.

Cruz, campaigning in South Carolina Tuesday, said “any parent would be very dismayed” if their children repeated the language Trump uses in his rallies.

Cruz said the president should be someone who brings people together and defends our values, “not one who attacks and insults with vulgarities anyone who might question his record.”

Cruz said South Carolina voters want a president who “won’t engage in the insults, who won’t roll around in the mud, who won’t unleash profanity at whatever unsuspecting citizen might be walking down the street.”

South Carolina’s Republican presidential primary is scheduled for this Saturday.


5 Responses

  1. i always thought that news should be reported in an unbiased fashion and left to the readers to form their own opinion. it is obvious from that uncomplimentary photo of Trump above that YWN does not approve of him. if you wait long enough with a camera, you’ll always be able to catch anyone with an ugly pose. let’s not turn YWN into the “national enquirer”.

  2. Chaiml, this is not about bias. Trump is a maniac on some days and a clown on the other days. He is dangerous. It is hard not to realize that. Any self respecting human being should be embarrassed to support this guy. Do I think Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Kasich, or Carson are great leaders who will usher in a golden era? No, but they are much closer to that ideal than this nut job. And for those of you who think he will be great for Jews and/or Israel, don’t fool yourselves. He is an unpredictable narcissistic. If it came down to him vs. Hillary or Bernie, I would probably vote for him but then vomit and take a long cold shower as soon as I got home…..

  3. to “letsgetthisright”: under normal circumstances, you would be right and i would agree with you. however,we live in a crazy time. given who the world leaders are today, the only president that could deal with them would only be a “maniac” and a “clown” such as Trump. enough with this “political correctness” garbage! you don’t think that Khoemeni and Putin (as 2 examples) are just as much “clowns” and “maniacs” as Trump, if not more? The “clown/maniac” world laughs at us and, i believe< the only way to set them straight is to confromt them with someone like Trump. You yourself say that you'd probably vote for Trump, followed by a vomit and a shower. so would i, but i would withhold (for now) the vomit and the shower.

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