MK Yogev Supports the Return of Bodies of Dead Arab Terrorists for Burial

zakaAmong the minority opinion in his party, MK (Bayit Yehudi) Moti Yogev told the dati leumi Kippa website that he believes the cabinet is correct in returning the bodies of dead Arab terrorists.

Yogev, a retired IDF colonel, feels that despite the many victims of terror in recent months, clearly the government is working hard and is active in its offensive approach rather than just sitting back and adopting a defensive policy.

Yogev told Kippa that there is no doubt the current administration is right-wing and despite the construction freeze, building permits are issued throughout Yehuda and Shomron. He adds that IDF soldiers continue to operate in PA (Palestinian Authority) areas, entering the homes of terrorists and thereby preventing attacks.

Party colleague Shuli Muallem has recently spoken out strongly against the return of terrorists’ body to permit their families to bury them, but Yogev explains the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) reports doing so results in calm while any delay in the handing over of bodies for burial has the opposite effect, resulting in an escalation in violence and attacks.

During the interview he stated that Israel has to strike the Palestinians over the head with a hammer from time to time to remind them who is the sovereign authority. He adds that despite the difficult security situation at present, it is not the time for an all-out military offensive, explaining the current situation does not justify such a response.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. How bout identifying the terrorists for Israel’s knowledge in their investigations, and then burying them in unmarked graves asap without releasing terrorists names?

  2. just another liberal. Israel cares more about “world opinion” than Jewish blood and bodies. Yidden do teshuva and leave the treif army.

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