Trump Rips Cruz as ‘Nuts,’ Says RNC Isn’t Honoring Pledge


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is lashing out against his rivals, and again floating a potential third-party run in the lead-up to South Carolina’s first-in-the-South primary.

Trump tells a local Republican club near Charleston that if his rivals are elected, “they will be totally controlled” by special interests.

Responding to negative ads against him, Trump calls Texas Sen. Ted Cruz “the most dishonest guy I think I’ve ever met in politics.”

“I think he’s an unstable person,” he adds, later declaring: “He’s nuts.”

Trump is also floating the idea of an independent run after accusing the Republican National Committee of giving too many GOP debates tickets to donors.

He says the pledge he signed to support the GOP nominee was “a double-edged pledge,” and the RNC isn’t honoring its end.


5 Responses

  1. UNSTABLE?? Are you kidding?? He must’ve looked in the mirror and saw someone UNSTABLE. This phony is the most unstable individual of recent time even when he has a fierce argument with Cruz during the debate Cruz keeps his cool answers every question with class while this Bufoon flies off the handle with every foul word in the book but calls Cruz UNSTABLE!!!

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