NY Confirms Flu Cases In 44 Counties, All NYC Boroughs

fluNew York’s health commissioner has declared influenza prevalent in the state, requiring health care workers who aren’t vaccinated against it to wear masks in areas where patients are typically present.

Dr. Howard Zucker says some workers in medical settings choose not to get shots, which he says provide a safe and effective way to reduce the risk of getting the flu and transmitting it.

Zucker says requiring unvaccinated workers to wear masks around patients helps protect the sick, elderly and other vulnerable people.

According to the state health department, laboratory-confirmed cases have been reported in 44 counties and all boroughs of New York City, with 817 flu-related hospitalizations so far this season and no reports of related pediatric deaths.


One Response

  1. what do you gain by reporting flu cases? Why don’t you report colds, strep throat, etc.? Only because there is a “vaccine for flu” that actually does not work in properly conducted studies. Most of the vaccines contain live virus that sheds upon everyone around – actually spreading the flu.

    Flu vaccine, as all the other vaccines and patented drugs are a money-making proposition that only works at diminishing immune system power. Anyone, yes, anyone with clear thinking who does the PROPER research will be horrified that they ever had the wool pulled over their eyes.

    While I realize that the moderator will not allow this comment because of lack of foolish trust of the arrogant medical establishment or fear of the doctors, I felt it was necessary to state the emes!

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