Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Stern Continue the Battle for Kashrus Integrity in Yerushalayim

sternSince taking office, Jerusalem Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Aryeh Stern Shlita has been waging a war against corruption in the city’s kashrus system. The rav’s efforts along with Bureau Chief Avinoam Kutscher have yielded results and a number of investigations into alleged illegal activities in the Jerusalem Religious Council are being conducted on various levels; including police, the Jerusalem Comptroller and State Comptroller’s offices.

Rabbi Stern is known for his integrity and unwillingness to accept compromise, insisting on the standards as dictated by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. His life has been one of limud and teaching, far far from politics and those who know him realize he was pushed into this position by those who know him as a talmid chacham and the man who would wage the very battles his is involved in.

It is now announced that his tenacious efforts have led to the firing of a number of no-show mashgichim, documented not doing their job, not reporting to eateries to inspect while taking a salary. Other mashgichim seem to now understand the message and they have reportedly become diligent in the performance of their duties, wishing to remain employed.

In a statement released to the media on Thursday, 2 Adar I by the rav’s office, it states Rabbi’s Stern’s opponents, those trying to discredit him and besmirch his name to neutralize his efforts to ‘clean house’, accuse him of taking a bribe.

The story that follows makes one wonder if one should laugh or cry.

The rav recently visited a matza factory in the city. Following this visit the rumors began flying, that the rabbi accepted gifts in what appears to have been a setup to discredit him.

As the rabbi was leaving the factory someone placed two boxes of matza in his vehicle, unbeknownst to Rabbi Stern. When the rumors begin circulating he admitted he was clueless as to what they were talking about. When the trunk of the rabbi’s vehicle was checked, sure enough two boxes of matza were found, which by the way he promptly returned, in new unopened condition in the original wrapping.

Kutcher points out it is beyond absurd. For one thing, those targeted in corruption investigation appear foolish enough to believe the rabbi can be tripped up by two boxes on matza and on the other hand, it is equally foolish to think Rabbi Stern is going to be influenced by free matza or anything else for that matter.

Either way he says, they are foolish and the rabbi’s integrity remains unscathed.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Baruch HaShem that Yerushslayim merits such a Talmid Chachom & Ish Emes to run the show.

    No joke, corruption has to be fought & levels of kashrut with integrity must be implemented. Wonder what those mashgichim were thinking – or perhaps it’s about collecting a check & who CARES about the Kashrut of the Rabbanut.

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