Reform Leaders Begin Fighting Back, Applying Pressure on Ministers And PM Netanyahu

bibThe cabinet decision to allocate an egalitarian prayer area near the Kosel has led to many reactions, for and against. Among the cabinet minister whom have spoken out against the victory for the Reform Movement is Tourism Minister Yariv Levin, referring to US Reform Jewry as a “waning world”, speaking of the widespread assimilation in that camp. These remarks were met with anger by leaders in the US, who have decided to boycott a planned meeting with the visiting Israeli minister.

Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) reports Israel Reform Movement Leader Rabbi Gilad Kariv has issued a statement to his followers, calling on them not to cooperate with Levin in any way. The daily Haaretz states that his counterpart in the United States, the President of the movement, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, has signaled he too is on board.

On the URJ website, Jacobs writes “Israeli ministers must stop their hate speech”. In a recent address he made, appearing on the website, he singles out Levin as well as Deputy Minister of Education Meir Porush, quoting the latter saying that women gathering for prayer at the Kosel “to be thrown to the dogs”.

The website text adds “Moshe Gafni, Chair of the Knesset Finance Committee also unleashed a slew of harsh invectives about Reform Jews.

The website continues with Jacobs’ remarks, “We commend the prime minister for speaking out against, and disassociating himself from, these most recent disparaging and divisive statements. But it can no longer be enough to make public statements after each of these reprehensible occurrences, which are increasing in their frequency. We should be able to expect more civility and respect from every person, and especially so from those in positions of power.

“The government and the State of Israel has a problem. We cannot ignore that these inexcusable statements keep coming from the cabinet level. The words of Deputy Minister Porush, in fact, come dangerously close to incitement.

“Legitimate differences of opinion, practice, and belief are longstanding dimensions of authentic Jewish life. But these recent outbursts of prejudice expose an ugliness that has no place within our noble Jewish tradition or within the government of the Jewish state…”

The Reform leader has made it clear, speaking to Galei Tzahal on Thursday morning 2 Adar I, that for as long Levin feels they do not have the right to express their opinions, he too will not be heard by them and their congregations across the United States will no longer serve as a platform to host him.

Levin fired back to the Galei Tzahal interview, stating “It is outrageous that during a time when Israel is struggling to explain to the world why boycotting in not legitimate, leaders of Reform Jewry decide to use this improper means, of boycotting and silencing. We must not ignore the harsh realities of growing assimilation and I will continue to speak out clearly and act decisively to stop this serious phenomenon”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Why does YWN see fit to write an extensive quote from a Reform Rabbi attempting to legitimize his movement’s gross distortion of Jewish values??

  2. Yasher Koach to Minister Lavin. A real kiddush Hashem.

    Reform and Conservative leaders are annihilating Jewry.

    The deform movement has nothing better to do than file lawsuits. However, this seems like an obvious message from Hashem to the frum Tzibbur. Teshuva!

  3. They r our brothers and sisters, that’s not the way to fight there way by saying that they gonna be assimilated that’s rejection.

  4. mordechay, first of all, a large percentage of these Reform “brothers and and sisters” of yours are not even Jewish according to halacha. Second of all, a big percentage of them are gays and transwhatevers. Wake up to reality.

    And third of all, if they are twisting halacha and hashkafa of Torah and Chazal, they are trying to destroy Judaism and the Jewish nation, they are NOT our Jewish brothers and sisters!

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